Eventos pasados
- Marco Mendoza
- Heavy
- Last Days of Eden
- Primal Nocte
- Unliving Sin
- Hard Rock
- Debauchery Vs. Balgeroth
- Death Metal
- Metal
- Pervy Perkin
- Martillo
- Death Metal Progresivo
- Psicodelia
- Stoner
- El Altar del Holocausto
- Post Rock
- Enemy Inside
- Left4ever
- Dark Metal
- Mano de Piedra
- Krazark
- Heavy Cross of Flowers
- Metal
- Sludge
- Stoner
- Ignea
- mileth
- Folk Metal
- Skull Fist
- Aquelarre
- Metal
- Northbreaker
- Inner Howl
- The Conspiracy
- Metal
- Hecate Enthroned
- Dantalion
- Metal
- Killius
- Metal
- Mano de Piedra
- Osezno
- Doom Metal
- Hardcore Punk
- Punk Rock
- Sludge
- No One Alive
- Metal
- No One Alive
- Metal
- Lethargus
- Terader
- Metal
- Heavy Metal
- Ars Amandi
- SnakeyeS
- Nova Era
- Death Metal Melódico
- Metal
- Rock
- Chabacanos
- Punk Rock
- Rock
- Rock Alternativo
- Rock Urbano
- Dekta
- Odio Our Days In Oblivion
- Metal
- Trash Metal
- SAKE MATE - Pedro Fuentes (Bronson)
- Hard Rock
- Heavy Metal
- Rock
- The Broke
- Hard Rock
- Punk Rock
- Rock
- Paralelum
- TeseracTo
- Metal
- Rabia Perez
- Acidproyect
- Metal
- Lethargus
- Metal
- Counteractt
- Hour Glass
- Deathcore
- Metal
- Atreides
- Unchosen Ones
- Heavy Metal
- Blaze Out
- We Exist Even Dead
- Aarson Tides
- Metal
- Metalcore
- Serrabulho
- Leftlovers
- Metal
- Bone Dies
- Diving Through Jellyfishes
- Why Not
- Rock
- Easy Rider
- Tálesien
- Metal
- Nurcry
- Heavy Metal
- Avlak
- Elefantes Mutilados
- TeseracTo
- Metal
- Sickeeper
- Anecoid
- Metal
- No One Alive
- Black Bomber
- Orion Saiph
- Hard Rock
- Heavy Metal
- Progressive Metal
- Punk Rock
- Teksuo
- Dreadcult
- Metal
- Nukore
- Green Poison
- Hardcore
- Metal