
Another You

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Another You

Banda de rock creada en su origen por Luis Tormo Larrosa en 2007 en la ciudad de Alicante (España).​

​Este proyecto partió de inicio como un trabajo en solitario junto a músicos colaboradores, dando como resultado el primer disco llamado Five Season (2008), sin embargo, con el paso del tiempo y sus sucesivos discos (Rolling Back The Days (2011); Covers (2013) e Intangible Things (2015)), el resultado final fue la formación de un grupo de rock alternativo/metal progresivo potente, el cual en la actualidad, con su nuevo álbum Evidence, Hopes and Rebellions (2017), es la viva imagen sonora de una banda con diversas y amplias influencias, mezclando modernidad y originalidad con bases de diferentes décadas de la música anglosajona. 

Luis Tormo Larrosa compone, arregla y produce la música y legras de las canciones de Another You. Los encargados de arreglar y componer la base rítmica son los músicos Pepe Marco y Ramón Hernández. 

Juntos forman un power trio pontente y consolidado, habiéndolo demostrado sobre los escenarios tanto con Jaded Heart en su gira en 2018, junto a Marco Mendoza en su gira en 2019 y próximamente junto a Thundermother en su gira en septiembre del 2019. 

Interpretación musical por parte de la banda:

Luis Tormo Larrosa – Voces, Guitarras, Ebow, Sintetizadores, Pianos y Percusión.

Pepe Marco – Bajo

Ramón Hernández – Batería

Another You tiene cinco discos editados oficialmente:

Five Seasons (2008)
Rolling Back The Days (2011)
Covers (2013)
Intangible Things (2015)
Evidence, Hopes and Rebellions (2017)


Another you is a Spanish rock band, that was originally created by Luis Tormo Larrosa in Alicante (Spain) in 2007.

This project was at the beginning a lonely work carried out by Luis Tormo Larrosa and additional musicians, giving as a result the first album called Five Seasons (2008). However, with the passage of time and successive albums (Rolling Back The Days in 2011, Covers in 2013 and Intangible Things 2015) the final result was the creation of an alternative and powerful rock band, that nowadays with its new album Evidence, Hopes and Rebellions (2017), is the image of a group with many wise influences, with a mix of modernity and originality based in different decades of anglosaxon music.

The current members of Another You are the lead singer and guitarist Luis Tormo Larrosa, who composes, does the musical arrangements and produces the music and lyrics of the band; the bass player Jura Sarlin and the drummer Manuel Rayos Meseguer, who are the responsible for arranging and composing the rhythmic base.

They're all together form a consolidated power trio, with plenty shown skills on the stage, supporting bands such as Jaded Heart in 2018 or Marco Mendoza in 2019. They will also be supporting Thundermother on September 2019.

Musical interpretation:

Luis Tormo Larrosa – Vocals, Guitars, Ebow, Synthesizers, Pianos and Percussion.
Pepe Marco – Bassist
Ramón Hernández – Drums

Another You has got five albums released officially:

Five Seasons (2008)
Rolling Back The Days (2011)
Covers (2013)
Intangible Things (2015)
Evidence, Hopes and Rebellions (2017)

  • Luis Tormo Voz principal
  • Ramón Herández Batería
  • Pepe Marco Bajo eléctrico


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​Another You

​Talking to Mars

From our album "Intangible Things".


​Another You


From our last album "Evidence, Hopes and Rebellions".


​Another You

​Set me free

From our last album "Evidence, Hopes and Rebellions".


​Another You

​Lossing My Control

​From our last album "Evicence, Hopes and Rebellions"
